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Welcome to the Brand4U GmbH


To the site dedicated to the wholesale of building materials, equipment and machinery, agricultural products, as well as flowers and plants! Our company provides a wide range of services for construction companies, farms, flower shops and other businesses that need quality products at wholesale prices. We offer construction materials of various types and brands, equipment and machines for construction and production needs, agricultural products from leading manufacturers and a wide selection of flowers and plants for landscaping and interior design. We only work with proven and reliable suppliers to guarantee the high quality of the goods and services we offer to our customers. Our team of professionals is ready to help you with the choice of goods and services, as well as with the delivery and installation of equipment and machines. We understand that wholesale requires a high level of service, so we always strive to offer our customers the best conditions for cooperation. We provide flexible price terms and an individual approach to each client to help them achieve success in their business. If you are looking for a reliable partner for the wholesale of building materials, equipment and machinery, agricultural products, as well as flowers and plants, please contact us! We are always happy to help our clients achieve success in their business.

Ben's Resume HTML Template

Our company

Offers a wide range of services for purchasing goods in the fields of logistics, information technology, marketing, and financing..

We only work

With trusted and reliable suppliers to guarantee the high quality of the products and services that we offer to our clients.

We provide flexible

Pricing conditions and an individual approach to each client to help them achieve success in their business.

What People say

Frequently Asked Questions

We provide flexible pricing conditions and an individual approach to each client to help them achieve success in their business.

We specialize in wholesale trade of building materials, equipment and machinery, agricultural products, as well as flowers and plants.

We work only with trusted and reliable suppliers to guarantee the high quality of goods and services. Additionally, we provide an individual approach to each client and are ready to solve any problems that may arise.

Contact Us

Berlin, Duisburger Strasse 36, 40477 Düsseldorf